21 January 2025 y.
22 January 2025 y.
21 January 2025 y.
22 January 2025 y.
The World to you, dear brothers and sisters!
Nadezhda - Ukrainian Orthodox dating site is glad to welcome you! P>
You can self-publish your message. No questionnaire !!! Your letter. We hope that this letter will be a Christian who seeks companion in life. Be sure to include how to contact you: better your E-mal (electronic address of your mailbox) p>
Of course, anyone can read the letters of others in the hope of finding a soul mate. P>
Registration on the site is not. It was a requirement of the initiator of the creation of this resource. She was tired from the registrations, the abundance of secular and alien to the Christian, the information on the websites ... even orthodox acquaintances, not to mention the others. P>
The site «Hope» is a message board , the order in which we have a duty to attend. You have a chance to meet c to those whom you are looking for, so svyazavshist whose letter of interest to you.
Once again - just a chance !!! For I do not know, that Bless the Lord for him. And again the Lord God allowed Internet dwellers existed, Cchitaetsya as Orthodox, and those who consider themselves Orthodox, have the right to use this chance. P>
Terms of use - are very simple:
- To behave as a Christian, as a Christian.
- you do publish your letter.
- Photo: Only if you wish to attach a photo to an already published a letter - please send us a photo with your mailbox, said in a letter, specifying the date of publication, and division.
- The letters are highly do not recommend to publish your phone number , if you value your peace of mind. Announced to the number of your phone - it is a very bad decision! Phone - it's personal. Your personal life! Yes. It seems convenient. It seems a lot easier, faster. But what's the hurry, in such an important matter ??? Many, then repent. Ask urgently remove the letter, №№ phones.
- We recommend to publish to contact you your E-mail in the box.
- We recommend to sign letters - his Holy name.
- Think, if you insult someone in his letter?
- And more. If you do not share the Christian values, think, can you not here? If you want to get acquainted with a Christian (a Christian), at least, respect the "strange monastery" and its rules.
In the "Hope" website FORBIDDEN :
- To place advertising links to other sites, unintelligible, ambiguous, ambiguous abbreviations, discussion or condemnation, swearing in his letters.
- Post your private messages: the site is no "wall".
- Display the anonymous letters and emails without indicating how to contact you.
- Specify as a way to communicate with you other sites: VC, DC, FB, ... (only because they do not all have to be registered to them)
- To arrange a conversation on the site.
For a discussion - a forum, please.
Of course, the for the content of messages corresponds to the author and only the author, and not the administration of the site.
Must call for vigilance !!!
As with any acquaintance, you should be careful !!! Even the Orthodox site! Unfortunately...
It is strongly recommend that you read the reviews, the experience of other Orthodox on the site forum "Hope". Especially those who are just starting their online dating. P>
We reserve the right to delete inappropriate in relation to the letter Christianity. As well as advertising, letters, without addresses, signatures and cryptic abbreviations, correspondence or statements with respect to the other.
We have for several years, and we are constantly engaged in first place in the ranking of Orthodox Christianity a >. The site of the first lines of the results of the search engines (eg: 1 , 2 ). And we will endeavor to as many people as possible in the future to learn about this site and there was no advertising on it, so bored and distracting.
For any feedback, requests for registration, the organization of the site, please leave it in the guest book, if schitate that they are interesting to others. Otherwise - here:
Notes, comments, questions please send to the address: hope07@ukr.net
Saint Theophan the Recluse. Thoughts for every day of the year.
(Ефес. 4, 7-13; Мф. 4, 12-17). Вчера Апостол вооружил христианина, вступившего на путь спасения, духовным всеоружием, а ныне указывает руководителей в этом бранном шествии и последнюю светлую цель всего, на воодушевление в притрудностях. Руководители - пастыри и учители, которых дал Господь Церкви, и устами которых Сам изрекает благопотребное всякому руководственное указание, коль скоро кто обращается к ним с верою и молитвенным к Господу обращением. Истину эту знают самоотверженно идущие путем Господним, и без жаления себя ведущие борьбу с врагами спасения. Они в пастырях своих всегда встречают помощь и вразумление, когда со стороны смотря и ожидать бы ее нельзя было. Ибо не к человекам приходят, а ко Господу, всегда готовому руководить и вразумлять через человеков сих всякого искренно и с верою ищущего у Него себе помощи. Светлая цель последняя есть "в меру полного возраста Христова", - возраст "в мужа совершенного". Что есть муж совершенный в обычном порядке, всем ведомо; и нельзя найти человека, которому не было бы желательно достигнуть такого совершенства; но что есть муж совершенный в Господе, никому неведомо, кроме вступивших в этот возраст. Это однако не должно ни у кого охлаждать ревности к достижению и себе такого возраста, а напротив более еще возгревать ее; потому что неведомость зависит от высоты того совершенства духовного, которое именуется мужским возрастом в жизни по Богу. Апостол определил его восприятием полноты совершенств, явленных в Господе Спасителе. Всякий видит, что есть из-за чего к званию нашему приложить "все старание".